Tucker/Grim R&E Webinars

Mary Evelyn Tucker presented at the SSAFE General Committee Meeting on “The Emerging Alliance of Religion and Ecology.” The growing ecological crisis calls for the participation of the world's religious communities in recognizing the moral and spiritual implications of the diminishment of the planet's life support systems. This talk highlights some of the remarkable work being done within religious communities around the world to bring healing and restoration to people and land. While acknowledging the limitations of religion, it also notes the promise for ethical and spiritual transformation regarding ecological attitudes and practices.
Yale Blue Green, Yale's environmental alumni group, hosted a virtual program with Mary Evelyn Tucker and Leigh Raymond '88. They addressed some of the ways we can frame the argument for making the transition to sustainable policies. Moderating the session is Chip Spear ’74, board co-chair of Yale Blue Green.
Center on Modernity in Transition (COMIT) Co-Director Shahrzad Sabet sat down with Mary Evelyn Tucker and Norman Wirzba to discuss how the idea of oneness might shape our understanding of and relationship to ecology.
This webinar features Sumana Roy in dialogue with Mary Evelyn Tucker. It explores spiritual rituals practiced across traditions, regions, and time, to learn how the divine repeatedly centers on elements from our environments–and why. They discuss the ways in which ritual, for all its rhetoric of the sacred, brings us into intimacy with nature. This conversation celebrates the recently released spring 2024 issue of Orion Magazine, “Rites of Nature,” which Mary Evelyn guest edited and to which Sumana contributed.
This online event, which took place on February 21, 2024, featured author Ellen Bass and was moderated by Mary Evelyn Tucker. The event centered on a dialogue around the poetic dimensions of forests, including how the old growth forests near Ellen Bass’s home in Santa Cruz have inspired her own work, and how poetry as a genre can help give form to the many socio-cultural meanings of the forest. This event was sponsored by Orion Magazine, the Forest School at Yale, and the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology.
Watch the recording here.
In this online and in-person event that took place on February 15, 2024, Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim explore the lives and thought of Teilhard de Chardin and Thomas Berry as transformative visions of being fully human. Touching on the personal spiritual journey of each man, they highlight key ideas from both and reflect on how such an evolutionary perspective provides a new story for our times.
Join our inspiring conversation with Dr. Mary Evelyn Tucker: Confucian scholar and global leader in religious responses to ecological issues. She is the co-founder of the Forum on Religion and Ecology and the Journey of the Universe projects, as well as involvement with The Earth Charter initiatives. Dr. Tucker is a renowned leader, teacher, and author, and has led and supported international religious and ethical responses to ecological concerns. We will learn about Mary Evelyn’s story and how it connects to the universe’s story, as she invites us to understand and embody our deep interconnectedness in a new way. Heather Eaton will interview her long-time colleague, and friend, Dr. Mary Evelyn Tucker. The series “Being a Leader: Lunchtime Conversations” offers opportunities to reflect with organizational and community leaders upon the challenges of social transformation in a complex world, and to better appreciate the resources we can rely on to act within this complex world. Organized by the School of Leadership, Ecology and Equity, Saint Paul University. This event took place on February 6, 2024.
Earth Charter International hosted a webinar on “East and West Dialogue on Ecological Civilization” on February 6. The event featured Mary Evelyn Tucker, Jinfeng Zhou, Zhihe Wang, and Julia Kim. Amanda Bennett and Sifan Jiang moderated. In this webinar we continued the conversation tackling the following questions: What does an Ecological Civilization look like? What are some good examples paving the way towards this vision and how can we scale up these efforts? What are some additional paths and driving forces to building these just, sustainable and peaceful societies?
In this Deep Transformative Network webinar, Jeremy Lent led a conversation with Jinfeng Zhou and Mary Evelyn Tucker exploring themes from Freya Mathews' groundbreaking book The Dao of Civilization. In the first half, Jeremy Lent discussed with Jinfeng Zhou, the prominent Chinese ecological campaigner, how the intersection of traditional Chinese values and technology shows up in the modern world, and specifically within China. In the second half, along with the rich questions and reflections shared, we were joined by Mary Evelyn Tucker, one of the world's leading scholars on the intersection of religion and ecology, and co-founder with her partner John Grim of the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology. This event took place on July 25, 2023.
The Forest School at the Yale School of the Environment and Orion Magazine present a conversation with Lacy M. Johnson on American history and the longleaf pine. Building off her recent essay on the longleaf pine’s integral role in the American slave trade, Johnson will discuss the ways in which trees bear witness to the evolution of culture and what they may be able to tell us about ourselves now. She will also discuss how her research into coastal flooding has expanded her understanding of how rising water levels affect trees, and what people can do to protect the landscapes they love. In conversation with her will be Mary Evelyn Tucker, co-author of Journey of the Universe and co-founder of Yale’s Forum on Religion and Ecology. Lacy M. Johnson is the author of several books, including the essay collection The Reckonings, and is coeditor of More City than Water: A Houston Flood Atlas. She teaches at Rice University and is the founding director of the Houston Flood Museum.
Dialogue with Ursula Goodenough, Professor of Biology Emerita, Washington University and Carol Wayne White, Interim Director of the Griot Center (2022-23) and Professor of Philosophy of Religion, Bucknell University. Moderated by Mary Evelyn Tucker, Co-founder and Co-director, Forum on Religion and Ecology, Yale University. This event is part of the Eco Justice for All Dialogue Series hosted by the Temple of Understanding.
Three women leaders of Interfaith organizations that focus on the environment discuss the many challenges and opportunities that have helped shape their leadership styles. How does each one describe leadership? What led them to choose climate change and environmental justice as their focus? What kinds of obstacles have they had to overcome and where have they found support and encouragement? Each offered their own personal philosophy and style of what leadership means to them as a way of encouraging the next generation to step into leadership roles in any profession.
In this time of critical call to personal and global transformation, what is the role and value of religion? Religion to the Rescue is an initiative of UNITY EARTH–a global network on a mission to accelerate the realization of unity and peace on Earth. Religion to the Rescue is a series of Zoomcasts in which leading spiritual and religious thought-leaders and activists will be interviewed. The overall aim is to explore how we can come together to respond to current crises–and to reflect on the role of religion in doing so. These discussions will cover a wide variety of topics. Program hosts are Ben Bowler and Patrick Carolan. This event was streamed live on November 18, 2022.
Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim give an online talk on Ecojustice. This event took place on November 17, 2022.
Evenings with an Author hosted scholars Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim in conversation with Alice McCrum. Frequently placed in opposition to one another, the union of religion and science may be a vital strategic move in the fight against the climate crisis. What can world religions teach us about the earth? How does religion express our relationship to nature, and how can we use religious philosophy to mitigate nature’s destruction? Yale historians of religion Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim speak on their work, Ecology and Religion. Posing the question, “what is religious ecology?”, the book shows how global religions and environmental practices intersect in ways both obvious and surprising. Ultimately, Tucker and Grim propose that religion can contribute an ethical and spiritual dimension to ecology, motivating the fight for climate justice. In this conversation, they discuss ways of thinking about the natural world, ways of engaging with it, and ways of changing it for the better. This event took place on November 9, 2022.
This panel discusses their view on the second new economic question posed by His Holiness Pope Francis: “What place does the current economic system give to uselessness, that is, to beauty?” Panelists include Rob Johnson, Mary Evelyn Tucker, Doris Sommer, and John Fullerton.
The Forest School at the Yale School of the Environment, Orion Magazine, and the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology present the third event in a series to celebrate Orion’s latest anthology, Old Growth. “The Language of Trees” features a conversation between Alison Hawthorne Deming, author of Zoologies: On Animals and the Human Spirit, and Kathleen Dean Moore, author of Earth’s Wild Music: Celebrating and Defending the Songs of the Natural World. The event fosters a dialogue around the language of trees: how they communicate with one another, and how their futures are shaped by the language with which humans describe them. Moderating the event is Mary Evelyn Tucker, co-author of Journey of the Universe and co-founder of Yale’s Forum on Religion and Ecology.
This event features a lecture by Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim. It is followed by a panel that includes Kareem Adeeb, Elizabeth Garnsey, Reverend Robert Kinnally, Cliff Knetchtle, and Rabbi Jay TelRav, with moderator Reverend Stephanie Johnson. This event took place on February 1, 2022.
The growing ecological crisis clearly requires the response of science and technology, economics, and policy. These are necessary but not sufficient for solving the complex problems we are facing in envisioning a sustainable future for the Earth community. We will also need the participation of the world’s religious communities as we recognize the moral and spiritual implications of the diminishing life support systems of the planet. This talk will highlight some of the remarkable work being done within religious communities around the world to bring healing and restoration to people and land. While acknowledging the limitations of religions it will also note the promise for ethical and spiritual transformation regarding ecological attitudes and practices. This will be explored further in the new Yale/Coursera online classes are designed for a general audience.
The Forest School at the Yale School of the Environment and Orion Magazine present a second event in a series to celebrate Orion’s new anthology, Old Growth. Speakers include Jessica J. Lee, Sumana Roy, and Peter Wohlleben, with moderator Mary Evelyn Tucker.
In August 2021, Orion Magazine released Old Growth, an anthology of essays and poems about the lives of trees. To celebrate the release of the book, the Forest School at the Yale School of the Environment, Orion Magazine, and the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology are hosting a public discussion with Robin Wall Kimmerer, Robert Macfarlane, David Haskell, and Mary Evelyn Tucker. Together, they will discuss the idea of the personhood of trees, root communities, and the ways in which humans might foster the growth of our canopy.
Mary Evelyn Tucker gives a lecture on Thomas Berry's vision for the earth community, highlighting Berry's work “The New Story” and his three principles that govern the universe: differenciation, subjectivity, and communion. She argues for the need for a new worldview that is organic and holistic and that takes into account the suffering of people and planet. Tucker's talk is framed with an introduction from Sam King, graduate student at Yale Divinity School, and by a question and answer session with the attendees of her talk. This webinar took place on November 3, 2021.
We face major sustainability challenges in the 21st Century. Fortunately, we have a unique opportunity to implement solutions at a global scale. The UN Sustainable Development Goals are a rallying point, and Faith Based Organizations are working on a host of activities across multiple SDGs, including conserving nature, scaling renewable energy, providing access to clean water, and returning land to Indigenous management. The Parliament of the World's Religions, UNEP Faith for Earth, United Religions Initiative, and the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology launch the “Faith Action on the UN Sustainable Development Goals” project, a living, evolving, searchable database featuring faith-based organizations around the world doing work within the scope of the environmental SDGs.
The Parliament of the World's Religions, UNEP's Faith for Earth Program, and the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology are proud to partner together in a special celebration of Earth Day 2021.
Pope Francis challenges us to care for our world and insists that the environment needs to include the whole Earth community - both people and the planet. He has woven teachings from scripture and tradition to elevate these perspectives. Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim discuss Pope Francis’ approach, highlighting “ecojustice” where the concerns of the poor and vulnerable are linked to environmental degradation and exploitation. This event took place on April 15, 2021.
Hosted by Voices for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons Youth Team, this webinar with Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim is moderated by Kehkashan Basu. This event took place on April 8, 2021.
Follow LINK to view video.
This discussion happened at the 5th Annual Religion & Ecology Summit hosted by the Ecology, Spirituality, and Religion Program at the California Institute of Integral Studies. This panel took place on March 19, 2021.
Follow LINK to view video.
We live in a time of enormous upheaval and we yearn to bring our creativity to bear for transformative change. This webinar will suggest some ways forward in the midst of complex social, political, and ecological challenges. How can we draw on the world's religions for a more comprehensive view of an ecological ethics and ecojustice?
And how can this help us develop a broader environmental and cosmic consciousness. This event took place on February 4, 2021.
This video is of the entirety of Day 3 of the event. Go to 8:19:00 in the video to see Plenary 5.
In this episode of Spotlights, Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim talk with the host (Sam Mickey) about the new encyclical from Pope Francis, Fratelli Tutti. They provide historical, religious, and ecological context for understanding what this encyclical means and how it is relevant for efforts to create a more loving, just, and open world. Posted 10/19/2020.
You can also listen to an audio podcast of this episode here.
In the inaugural video of our new Spotlights series, founders and directors, Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim, speak about recent developments in the field of religion and ecology, recent developments on the global stage, and all of the Forum's new projects, with a focus on the Forum Advisory Group–a collaborative project composed of 72 of the top scholars in their fields. This podcast was posted on 9/21/2020.
Speakers: Mary Evelyn Tucker, Meijun Fan, and Karenna Gore; Moderator: Andrew Schwartz. This Webinar was organized as a collaborative effort between the Earth Charter International, University for Peace, Pace Center for Green Sci-Teck and Development, the Institute of Ecological Civilization, China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF), and the Center for Process Studies.
Hosted by the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) Global e-Forum. Panelists: Tan Sri Dato’ Dzulkifli Abdul Razak; Mary Evelyn Tucker; Fachruddin Magunjaya; Moderator: Mohd Yusaimi Bin Md Yusof. Organized by Office of the Deputy Rector Internationalisation and Global Network (ODRIGN). This e-forum explores the role religion plays in preserving our environment. We have two panelists sharing their insights on the matter from Malaysia (Prof. Dzul speaks on Islam and SDGs as practised at the International Islamic University Malaysia) and Indonesia (Dr. Fachruddin shares the success of fatwas in preserving the environment in Indonesia). Dr. Tucker shares her years of working in the field and how the subject matter is more relevant than ever before.
The COVID-19 pandemic is a global crisis of unprecedented scale, with aftershocks that will be felt in virtually every aspect of life for years or decades to come. The Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future at the Pardee School of Global Studies has launched a new video series called “The World After Coronavirus,” in which we ask leading experts and practitioners from Boston University and across the world to explore the challenges and opportunities we will face in our post-coronavirus future. The series is hosted by Prof. Adil Najam, the Inaugural Dean of the Pardee School of Global Studies and former Director of the Pardee Center. In this episode, Dean Najam speaks with Mary Evelyn Tucker, Co-founder and Co-director of the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology, about the future of religion and ecology after COVID-19.
Interviewer, Imran Khan: I had the fortunate pleasure to speak with both these founding figures in the field of Religion and Ecology, particularly during the holy of month of Ramadan. We discussed how the current pandemic has challenged and shaped our faiths as well as reflected on the relationship between humans and the rest of the natural world.
Streamed live on May 19, 2020 as part of Laudato Si' Week.
Mary Evelyn Tucker, senior lecturer, senior research scholar, and codirector of the Forum of Religion and Ecology at Yale University discusses religion and climate change. Presider: Irina A. Faskianos, Vice President for National Program and Outreach, Council on Foreign Relations.
The Garrison Institute presents Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim, leading scholars in the study of religions and ecology, in conversation with Jonathan F.P. Rose, co-founder of the Garrison Institute. A long-standing member of the Garrison Institute advisory board, Mary Evelyn Tucker, and her husband John Grim, join Garrison Institute co-founder Jonathan Rose in conversation around how we as a global community can transition to an ethics of interdependence that can serve as an inspiring vision for integrating ecology, justice, and peace. The religious and spiritual traditions of the world transmit ecological and justice perspectives in their scriptures, rituals, and contemplative practices as well as in their moral and ethical commitments. In this webinar, we seek to identify those perspectives in the service of finding collaborative solutions to our global environmental crises, and as an invitation to survive and thrive as an earth community.