News Items

The Forum regularly posts news articles of interest here from a variety of sources and news outlets. You can check back here or view the most recent ones from the homepage. We also archive these articles here, for those doing research, with news going back to 2006. Use the menu on the right to explore the archived articles.


December 6, 2010
By Lynette Wilson
Episcopal News Service

Anglican and Episcopal leaders from North, South and Central America and the Caribbean are arriving Dec. 6 in the Dominican Republic for a four-day gathering to explore the intersection between poverty and climate change.

December 3, 2010

Nevada (US): Hindus have praised Vatican’s preference in having solar-powered electric popemobile, thus showing care for the planet and promotion of sustainable and green energy.

December 3, 2010
By Rev. Ian Galloway
Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

One of the dilemmas of the age is how to celebrate a Christian Christmas or, if you prefer, a mid-winter festival without costing the earth and without being labelled a scrooge!

December 2, 2010
By Carol Glatz
National Catholic Reporter

VATICAN CITY – The Vatican did not endorse an 11-page final statement in favor of easing restrictions on and allowing more widespread use of genetically modified crops, especially in poorer nations, said a Vatican official.

November 30, 2010
By P. Joshua ‘Griff’ Griffin
Episcopal News Service

December 2010
By James Treat
Muscogee Nation News

The ancient Mvskoke calendar is grounded in astronomical observations. Each new year, for example, begins with posketv, the ceremony known in English as Green Corn, traditionally held around summer solstice. And the sequence of twelve hvse approximates the number of lunar months occurring in an annual period...

As the moral implications of climate change become more apparent, faith communities around the world are taking action, both personal and political.

By Nathan Rice
The Daily Climate
November 30, 2010

Give us all a reverence for the Earth as your own creation, that we may use its resources rightly in the service of others and to your honor and glory...

November 30, 2010
By Andy Coghlan
New Scientist

Scientists have both the right and a moral duty to be “stewards of God” by genetically modifying crops to help the world’s poor, scientific advisers to the Vatican said this week.

By Jeanne E. McKay
Ravenswood Media Newsletter
November 2010, Issue #11

Scotland’s religious leaders have described the West’s failure to help developing nations cope with climate change as a “moral outrage”.

BBC News, Scotland
November 28, 2010

Senior members of the country’s Christian and Islamic communities outlined their position in a letter to Prime Minister David Cameron.

They urged the UK government to do all...