News Items

The Forum regularly posts news articles of interest here from a variety of sources and news outlets. You can check back here or view the most recent ones from the homepage. We also archive these articles here, for those doing research, with news going back to 2006. Use the menu on the right to explore the archived articles.


September 15, 2017
By Jean Chemnick, ClimateWire
E&E News
Scientific American

There’s a 50 percent chance that temperatures will rise 4 degrees Celsius under a business-as-usual scenario

Deadly climate change could threaten most of the world’s human population by the end of this century without efforts well beyond those captured in the Paris Agreement...

Conservationists warn that the Yamuna may already be dead

By Pia Peterson and Thea Piltzecker
Sierra Magazine
September 14, 2017

September 14, 2017
By George Rodriguez, Catholic News Service
National Catholic Reporter

San Jose, Costa Rica — A Catholic university, the Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI Vatican Foundation and a Latin American foundation working on sustainable development have developed a tool to measure and rank countries’ efforts in human and environmental development.


By Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim

The Interfaith Observer

September 14, 2017

Read the article.

Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma, flash fires, droughts: all of them tell us one thing – we need to stand up to the fossil fuel industry and fast

By Bill McKibben
The Guardian
September 11, 2017

For the sake of keeping things manageable, let’s confine the discussion to a single continent and a single week: North America over the last seven days.

September 12, 2017
By Chris Arsenault

TORONTO (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Locals are more effective than governments in protecting the world’s largest rainforest, a study said on Tuesday, amid efforts to crackdown on soaring illegal deforestation.

Ranching and logging are rapidly destroying forests that have been home for centuries to indigenous communities...

September 12, 2017
By Sarwar alam
Eastern Eye

The Global Peace Project held in Netherlands today brought together Interfaith Leaders from across the world, especially from the Netherlands and India, for world peace and water.

Full title:

Grassroots Leaders and Frontline Community Members March to Kelcy Warren’s home, the CEO of Energy Transfer Partners (ETP)

#STOPETP a national coalition of frontline communities, environmental justice and Indigenous rights groups hold a rally and march to launch a campaign against Energy Transfer Parters.


September 11, 2017

Pope Francis has warned history will judge world leaders who do not act as he blasted climate change sceptics in the wake of Hurricanes Irma and Harvey.

The pontiff said the recent storms meant the effects of climate change could be seen “with your own eyes”.

There have been four major Atlantic hurricanes in less than three weeks.

But US...

September 11, 2017
By Myles McCormick
The Guardian

When Ovidio Teco’s Amazon homeland was declared “untouchable” by the Bolivian government in 2011, his war had been won.

The concerns of people like him had been listened to: their beautiful and ancient land would not be ...