News Items

The Forum regularly posts news articles of interest here from a variety of sources and news outlets. You can check back here or view the most recent ones from the homepage. We also archive these articles here, for those doing research, with news going back to 2006. Use the menu on the right to explore the archived articles.


November 1, 2018
By Jon Letman

As Greenland’s glaciers melt and flow into the sea, Pacific island nations are on the receiving end of some of that water. It’s a familiar story about climate change: One nation crumbles into the ocean; others risk drowning under rising sea levels.

October 31, 2018
By Phil Heidenreich
Global News

A pair of renowned Indigenous artists are working on a large painting that will grace a wall at MacEwan University’s kihêw waciston Indigenous Centre.

Even though it will live in the heart of oil country, the piece is aimed at...

October 30, 2018
By Terri Hansen
Earth Island Journal

In Review: The Archipelago of Hope

October 27, 2018
By Claire Giangravè

ROME - As a month-long summit of bishops on young people gets set to close, Church leaders from every continent signed a petition Friday asking for “ambitious and urgent climate action,” looking ahead to the next gathering of bishops in 2019 where climate change and its repercussions are expected to take center stage.

October 23, 2018
By Kenniston Byron
Yale Divinity School

When Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim began thinking seriously about the important role religion could play in addressing the world’s mounting environmental problems, they met few like-minded people.

But that did not discourage them. Now, thanks in significant part to the work of the ...

October 23, 2018
By Marvelous L. Misolas
Global Sisters Report

I have been thinking about how faith-based organizations go back centuries in their mission of seeking sustainability and development to alleviate human suffering. One war after another, women and men missioners have responded by living with people and helping them rebuild out of the rubble of war, by providing...

FERNS (Faith, Environment, Religion, Nature, Spirituality)

The Graduate Journal on Environmental Stewardship
Vol. 1, No. 1, 2018

October 22, 2018
By Dennis Sadowski, Catholic News Service
Global Sisters Report

The Adorers of the Blood of Christ have asked the U.S. Supreme Court to decide whether their religious freedom rights were violated by the construction and pending use of a natural gas pipeline through its land.

In a filing with the court Oct. 19, attorney Dwight Yoder, representing the...

October 20, 2018
Taiwan Today

Sangpuy Katatepan Mavaliyw, a musician from Taiwan’s Pinuyumayan tribe, is cleareyed about the importance of environmental conservation, making it a central theme in his latest album “Yaangad,” or “life,” in the language of the indigenous people. “If Mother Nature is destroyed, other issues we fight for and the things we cherish will no longer exist,”...

October 19, 2018
By David Maurice Smith, Australia Dispatch
New York Times

YALANGBARRA, Australia — As the sun dropped below the horizon and darkness spread across the vast Northern Territory sky, the men and women scanned the terrain one last time for potential prey.