News Items

The Forum regularly posts news articles of interest here from a variety of sources and news outlets. You can check back here or view the most recent ones from the homepage. We also archive these articles here, for those doing research, with news going back to 2006. Use the menu on the right to explore the archived articles.


January 3, 2019
By Norman Wirzba
ABC Religion and Ethics

“What’s for dinner?”

January 1, 2019
By Yonat Shimron, Religion News Service Environment
National Catholic Reporter

On a chilly fall day several weeks ago, volunteers from five Maryland congregations came together in the Cherry Hill neighborhood of Baltimore to plant 90 trees.

The planting was unique for two reasons: It drew a team of Catholics, Baptists, Presbyterians and Conservative...

These sisters believe that their faith calls them to create a more just world.

By Liz Brazile, YES! Magazine
Nation of Change
December 27, 2018

Whether focusing on fossil fuels, social justice, or lobbying major corporations to be better stewards of the environment, these sisters believe that their faith calls them to create a more just world.

December 25, 2018
By Christopher White

NEW YORK - On a night when Catholics are asked to reflect on the mystery of God becoming man, Archbishop Eamon Martin of Armagh said that Christmas is an occasion to “marvel at the wonder of the universe,” from the unborn child to the vastness of creation.

December 17, 2018
By Genevieve Belmaker

As the F&ES-based Forum on Religion and Ecology celebrates 20 years, we sit down with co-founder Mary Evelyn Tucker, who describes the growing global awareness of the relationship between the world’s religious and spiritual traditions and it can help humankind solve its environmental challenges.

By Allegra Lovejoy Wiprud
Yale School of Forestry &...

University of Eastern Finland
Press release
December 17, 2018

Local stakeholders need more information than is currently available to them on the impacts of former mining activities on ground water and surface water, potential soil contamination, and the safety of natural products, a new study from Finland shows. The majority of the respondents generally regarded post-mining...

Yale Quadcast
December 2018

Yale Divinity School Professor Willie Jennings discusses Christian stewardship of the environment, conscious meat consumption, and the intersection of racial and environmental justice.

Listen to this podcast here.

December 13, 2018
By Joan Chittister
National Catholic Reporter

This article appears in the COP24 Poland feature series. View the full series.

I just came back from the...

December 12, 2018
By Jeremy Hance
The Guardian

The continent’s largest land mammal plays crucial role in spiritual lives of the tribes

On 5,000 hectares of unploughed prairie in north-eastern Montana, hundreds of wild bison roam once again. But this herd is not in a national park or a protected sanctuary – they are on tribal lands. Belonging to the Assiniboine...