Want to regain young people’s trust? Start treating the earth, and life, as sacred
By Norman Wirzba
Religion News Service
October 8, 2021
Our government and business leaders are failing young people by not acting out of the conviction that this world and all its life are sacred and, thus, worthy of our protection and care.
(RNS) — For millions of young people around the world, this November’s COP26 meeting in Glasgow is deeply personal because it will help them determine if they should have children or not.
A large number have already joined the ranks of the BirthStrikers or GINKs (Green Inclination, No Kids), estimated by the Yale environmental scientist Matthew Schneider-Mayerson at about 12.5 million in the United States alone. In a recent survey of 10,000 young adults — ages 16-25 and representing 10 countries — 83% of respondents said adults have failed to care for the planet, 65% said governments are failing young people and 58% said they and future generations are being betrayed. More than half believe humanity is doomed.