Summer Solstice 2023

Tara C. Trapani


Joyous Summer Solstice to all! 


Yesterday we celebrated the solstice–the day of the year (in the northern hemisphere) when the sun and its light and warmth stays with us the longest. 
For many, the sun is synonymous with Hope. In the winter it recedes from us, and many experience Seasonal Affective Disorder and other challenges to mood, energy, and mental health for lack of the rays of solar energy that help to fuel us, body and soul. In those months we grieve for it and long for its return, yet in this part of the year, we often take its presence for granted. What if instead, we took time out now–when it is at its peak–to honor it and drink in its blessings. Perhaps we can ask the sun for help to stay steadfast and grateful in the face of eco-anxiety and grief and many challenges across the globe.
We invite you to immerse yourself in the sun's energy this solstice week and store it up for the difficult, tender times. The best way is to be with it–feel it on your skin, your face (with appropriate UV protection, please), and breathe in the sunlight–feel it fill your lungs and radiate throughout. But in case that's not possible, here are some ways to immerse yourself in its energy even when clouds obscure its vital, warm glow.

First, what could say express solar gratitude better than Paul Winter's Sun Singer and Light of the Sun albums. Appearing on both is his classic “Sun Singer” theme.

See his full albums for more inspiration. Another favorite of mine at this time of year is Windham Hill's wonderfully multicultural album Summer Solstice 2

Next is a lovely solstice meditation for helping to bring the energy of the sun into your body. Peaceful and energizing at the same time.

And lastly, let these stunning images of our brilliant Father Sun wash over you to bring back Hope and vitality when your stores are low. 

We hope these offerings enhance your solar celebrations and wish you a joyous and hope-fillled solstice season.