Watch Presentations from the “Faith & Climate Change” event

Tara C. Trapani

In February, we shared news of the Faith and Climate Change event happening in Charleston, North Carolina, hosted by the Charleston Interreligious Council. That event took place last week, and three of the presentations that occurred during the event were recorded, and are now available to stream:


Keynote Speech: “The Integration of Ecospirituality and Ecojustice”
Mary Evelyn Tucker & John Grim, Yale University



Panel: “Interfaith Ecojustice and Local Community Activism”
Alecia Brewster, SC Interfaith Power and Light and Poor People’s Campaign,
Omar Muhammad, Lowcountry Alliance for Model Communities
Regina Saunders, Destiny Community Café Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation
Moderated by Dr. Brennan Keegan, College of Charleston Department of Religious Studies 



Panel: “Clergy Coming Together to Combat Climate Change”
Reverend Jeremy Rutledge, Circular Congregational Church
Iman Herbert Fraser-Rahim, Al-Jami Ar Rasheed Mosque 
Reverend Heather Lyn Mann, The Plum Village Community of Engaged Buddhism, Indigo Sangha
Reverend Rebecca Hinds, Unitarian Church in Charleston
Moderator: Dr. Mary Evelyn Tucker, Co-director of the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology


You can also find these videos and more information on the event and the presenters on the 
Charleston Interreligious Council site.