
Welcome to the new Yale Forum Blog!

We will be sharing a variety of original content including interviews, reviews, reports from the field, new and enhanced resources on the Forum website, content from our new video podcast series, FORE Spotlights, and much more. 

Check back every Tuesday and Thursday for new content. 

April 28, 2022

Last week, Union Theological Seminary's Center for Earth Ethics wove a rich tapestry of creative offerings and thoughtful reflections into an Earth Day event titled “Earth Day 2022: Life Force.”

This inspiring event included talks by people such as Bill McKibben, Karenna Gore, and Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr., but also musical performances, dance, recitation, and more. The entire three-hour event was recorded, and we're pleased to share that recording with you, here. 

From the event site:

April 25, 2022

This week, Spotlights features a clip from our episode with Simone Kotva, PhD, a research fellow in the Faculty of Theology at the University of Oslo, and an affiliated lecturer in the Faculty of Divinity at the University of Cambridge. In this clip, she discusses the relationship between magic and ecology, particularly in light of the ways that the practice of magic is oriented toward skillful communication with the more-than-human world.

You can watch the clip below or listen to it here.

Details for the full episode can be found here.


April 21, 2022

In honor of Earth Day tomorrow, we wanted to share some words (and sounds!) of hope and inspiration.

First, check out Orion's 2020 Earth Day feature. They asked 10 authors–including E.O. Wilson, Krista Tippett, and Amy Tan–what brought them hope on the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. The resulting answers are philosophical, practical, poetic, and deeply personal. 

Next, we wanted to share the video of Mary Evelyn Tucker's inspiring 2021 Earth Day sermon: “The Sacred...

April 18, 2022

This week's episode of Spotlights features Simone Kotva, PhD, a research fellow in the Faculty of Theology at the University of Oslo, and an affiliated lecturer in the Faculty of Divinity at the University of Cambridge. Dr. Kotva is also part of a multidisciplinary research project on the Nordic Anthropocene, ECODISTURB, and she is the author of Effort and Grace: On the Spiritual Exercise of Philosophy (Bloomsbury, 2020). She discusses mysticism, magic, contemplation, the more-than-human dimension of spiritual...

April 14, 2022


A few weeks ago, we alerted everyone to the upcoming third installment in the very popular webinar series to celebrate Orion’s anthology Old Growth.

This event will take place online on Tuesday April 26 at 2pm EST.  The speakers in conversation will be Alison Hawthorne Deming and Kathleen Dean Moore, with the Forum’s own Mary Evelyn Tucker moderating. The event is free and open to all.  

Pre-registration is required. 



April 11, 2022

This week, Spotlights features a clip from our episode with Samuel King, a Research Associate for the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology and a graduate student in Religion and Ecology at Yale Divinity School. In this clip, Sam discusses a newly developed resource: a series of MOOCs (massive, open, online courses) oriented around the study of religion and ecology across the world's diverse traditions.

Details about the MOOCs can be found here.

Details for the full episode are available here.

You can...

April 7, 2022


The Forum is pleased to share news of a new initiative in the field of religion & ecology, the Center for Ecological Regeneration at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. The new center's mission is to “spread regenerative eco-theological understandings, earth-based religious practices, and cooperative solidarities for the just healing of wounded socio-ecological relationships in the Midwest bioregion and beyond.”


From the center site:
We live in a time of accelerating planetary crises related to climate...

April 4, 2022

This week's episode of Spotlights features Samuel King, a Research Associate for the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology and a graduate student in Religion and Ecology at Yale Divinity School. Sam discusses many facets of his work, including his experience teaching courses in philosophy, religion, and interdisciplinary humanities, his creative writing practice, and his time studying environmental practices in Sri Lanka and India. He also talks about his work with the Journey of the Universe project, including a podcast...

March 31, 2022

We're very pleased to announce “The Language of Trees,” the third installment in the very popular webinar series on trees to celebrate Orion's anthology Old Growth. The next event will take place on Tuesday April 26 at 2pm EST.  The speakers in conversation will be Alison Hawthorne Deming and Kathleen Dean Moore, with the Forum's own Mary Evelyn Tucker moderating.  

Go here to register. The event will also be livestreamed on YouTube, and a recording (with closed captioning) will be made available to...

March 28, 2022

This week, Spotlights features another clip from our episode with Rev. Dr. Christopher Carter, Assistant Professor of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of San Diego and a commissioned Elder within the United Methodist Church. In this clip, he discusses the important challenges of decolonial thinking and the decolonization of knowledge, particularly in light of his new book, The Spirit of Soul Food: Race, Faith, & Food Justice (University of Illinois Press, 2021).

Details for the full episode can be...