Engaged Projects

Engaged projects in religion and ecology refers to the activities of community organizations and religious institutions that are inspiring and grounding environmental concerns in practical programs, outreach, and education. These projects generally incorporate religious traditions as part of their environmental philosophy drawing on particular scriptures, symbols, and rituals. Engaged projects range from Learning Centers and Retreat Centers to Organic Farms and Alternative Energy Communities.

Engaged Projects in Canada

Indigenous Guardians
Unist’ot’en (Big Frog Clan of the Wet’suwet’en)

Engaged Projects in South America

Amazon Sacred Headwaters Initiative
Environmental Monitoring by Indigenous Peoples in the Amazon
U'wa Defense Working Group

Engaged Projects in the United States of America

Akwesasne Environment Program
Apache-Stronghold: Defending Holy Sites, Protect Chi'chil Biłdagoteel (Oak Flat)
Dine Citizens Against Ruining our Environment (Dine CARE)
Haudenosaunee Environmental Task Force
Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN)
Indigenous Traditions and Ecology Conference
Indigenous Values Initiative
Lakota Law Project
Native Conservancy
NYC Stands for Standing Rock: Website; Syllabus
Sacred Land Film Project
Standing Rock Syllabus–Green River College

International Engaged Projects

Blue Nature Alliance
Le Ciel Foundation
Crossing Bridges
Cultural Conservancy
Cultural Survival
Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature
Interfaith Rainforest Initiative
International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN): Spiritual Values of Nature
Mountain Institute: Sacred Mountains Program
Sacred Plant Biocultural Recovery Initiative
Survival International


Header photo credit: ©Christopher McCloud; Water ceremony at Mt. Shasta, California