This listing contains both foundational articles in the field, such as Lynn White’s “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis,” as well as newer works that provide excellent insight into the work going on today in Religion and Ecology. The linked titles will take you to the full text of the article off-site.
Bauman, Whitney A., Richard Bohannon, and Kevin J. O’Brien. “Introduction.” In Grounding Religion: A Field Guide to the Study of Religion and Ecology, edited by Whitney Bauman, Richard Bohannon, and Kevin J. O’Brien, pp. 1-8. 2nd edition. London and New York: Routledge, 2017.
Carter, Christopher. “Blood in the Soil: The Racial, Racist, and Religious Dimensions of Environmentalism.” In The Bloomsbury Handbook of Religion and Nature, edited by Laura Hobgood and Whitney Bauman, pp. 45-62. London and New York: Bloomsbury, 2018.
Deane-Drummond, Celia, and Heinrich Bedford-Strohm. “Introduction.” In Religion and Ecology in the Public Sphere, edited by Celia Deane-Drummond and Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, pp. 1-14. London: T&T Clark International, 2011.
Eaton, Heather. “Metamorphoses: A Cosmology of Religions in an Ecological Age.” In The Intellectual Journey of Thomas Berry: Imagining the Earth Community, edited by Heather Eaton, pp. 149-172. Lanham: Lexington Press, 2014.
Gottlieb, Roger S. “Introduction: Religion and Ecology—What Is the Connection and Why Does It Matter?” In The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Ecology, edited by Roger S. Gottlieb, pp. 3-23. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.
Grim, John, Russell Powell, Matthew T. Riley, Tara C. Trapani, and Mary Evelyn Tucker. “Religion and Ecology.” Oxford Bibliographies Online: Ecology (2013).
Harris, Melanie. “Teaching toward Ecojustice: Integrating Womanist Justice and Environmental Concern in the Classroom.” Religious Studies News, March 15, 2013.
Jenkins, Willis, Evan Berry, and Luke Kreider. “Religion and Climate Change.” Annual Review of Environment and Resources. Vol. 43:85-108, October 2018.
Jenkins, Willis and Christopher Key Chapple. “Religion and Environment.” Annual Review of Environment and Resources, Vol. 36 (November 2011): pp. 441-463.
Mickey, Sam. “Cosmology and Ecology.” In Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene, Volume 4, edited by Dominick A. DellaSala and Michael I. Goldsetin, pp. 151-157. Oxford: Elsevier, 2018.
Schaefer, Jame. “Ecological Ethics.” St Andrews Encyclopaedia of Theology (June 1, 2023).
Sponsel, Leslie. “What’s in a Tree?” In Spiritual Ecology: A Quiet Revolution, by Leslie E. Sponsel, pp. 1-5. Santa Barbara: Praeger, 2012.
Taylor, Bron. “From the Ground Up: Dark Green Religion and the Environmental Future.” In Ecology and the Environment: Perspectives from the Humanities, edited by Donald Swearer, pp. 89-107. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2008.
Tucker, Mary Evelyn, and John Grim. “The Movement of Religion and Ecology.” In Routledge Handbook of Religion and Ecology, edited by Willis Jenkins, Mary Evelyn Tucker, and John Grim, pp. 3-12. London and New York: Routledge, 2017.
Waldau, Paul, and Kimberly Patton. “Introduction.” In A Communion of Subjects: Animals in Religion, Science, and Ethics, edited by Paul Waldau and Kimberly Patton, pp. 11-24. New York: Columbia University Press, 2006.
White, Lynn. “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis.” Science. 10 Mar 1967: Vol. 155, Issue 3767, pp. 1203-1207.
Additional Resources
Leslie Sponsel, Religion and Ecology Resources
Header photo: UN Environment Executive Director Inger Andersen announcing the Faiths for Forests campaign launch at the UN Climate Action Summit 2019; Courtesy of Interfaith Rainforest Initiative