News Items

The Forum regularly posts news articles of interest here from a variety of sources and news outlets. You can check back here or view the most recent ones from the homepage. We also archive these articles here, for those doing research, with news going back to 2006. Use the menu on the right to explore the archived articles.


October 27, 2009
Baha’i World News Service

NEW YORK — The Baha’i International Community today announced that it has become a partner in a United Nations-sponsored program to promote “generational change” to address climate change and environmental sustainability.

The program, which is co-sponsored by the Alliance of Religions and Conservation (ARC) and the United Nations...

October 27, 2009
Caritas Europa

Brussels - The Secretary General of Caritas Europa, along with the Secretary Generals of two other faith-based networks (Aprodev and CIDSE),  sent a letter yesterday  to top EU decision-makers asking them to ensure that the European Council will show leadership towards a more sustainable and equitable economic future for the world....

Full Title: Faith-based Organizations Can Help Deliver United Nations Message for Renewed:
Cooperation to Tackle Climate Change, Other Crises, Secretary-General Says

October 26, 2009
United Nations

Following is the text of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message, delivered by Under-Secretary-General Vijay Nambiar, Chef de Cabinet, to the Ninth Annual Orthodox Prayer...

October 25, 2009
By The Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
The Wall Street Journal

October 23, 2009
By The Associated Press

NEW ORLEANS — Standing beside the Mississippi River, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, spiritual leader of the world’s Orthodox Christians, made a plea Wednesday for more action to save the planet and stop destroying it “as if there is no tomorrow.”

“The dilemmas we are faced with are the problems created by human beings,”...

October 19, 2009
Religion, Science, and the Environment
Press Release

With the continuing and increasing threat of erosion, sea level rise, pollution and storms to the Mississippi basin and particularly the delta, religious leaders from the US and overseas are gathering with experts in Memphis and New Orleans this week. Their aim is to push for a successful outcome of...

Full Title:
The Hope We Share: A Vision For Copenhagen
A Statement from the Anglican Communion Environmental Network

October 12, 2009
Anglican Communion News Service

October 13, 2009
Riazat Butt
The Guardian

People should use the climate change crisis as an opportunity to become human again, setting aside the addictive and self-destructive behaviour that has damaged their souls, the Archbishop of Canterbury said today.

October 8, 2009
Zach Rosenberg
Inter Press Service

WASHINGTON - An interfaith group of religious leaders Thursday announced the launch of, an initiative aimed at influencing the passage of Senate legislation on climate change.

The group hopes to motivate grassroots support among religious members of the U.S. public.

“DaySix is really focused on...

October 2, 2009
Christian Today

British church leaders have expressed support for a Climate Change Day of Prayer on 4 October in the run up to the next United Nations climate change summit due to take place at the end of the year.