News Items

The Forum regularly posts news articles of interest here from a variety of sources and news outlets. You can check back here or view the most recent ones from the homepage. We also archive these articles here, for those doing research, with news going back to 2006. Use the menu on the right to explore the archived articles.


August 21, 2011
New York Times

This page opposes the building of a 1,700-mile pipeline called the Keystone XL, which would carry diluted bitumen — an acidic crude oil — from Canada’s Alberta tar sands to the Texas Gulf Coast. We have two main concerns: the risk of oil spills along the pipeline, which would traverse highly sensitive terrain, and the fact that the extraction of...

August 16, 2011
By James Miller
Sustainable China blog

August 1, 2011
China Daily

JERUSALEM (Xinhua) – The Council of Religious Institutions of the Holy Land (CRIHL), an interfaith committee situated in Jerusalem that includes the chief leaders of Islam, Christianity and Judaism, recently endorsed the Declaration on Climate Change to promote environmental sustainability, and some believe it might lead to positive spillover in regional...

August 1, 2011
By David A Gabel
Environmental News Network

A team of scientists from the University of Oxford are working on a world map which shows all the land owned or revered by various world religions. This “holy map” will display all the sacred sites from Jerusalem’s Western Wall, to Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, to St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City. Just as interesting,...

July 30, 2011
By Mireya Navarro
New York Times

WASHINGTON — Like manna from heaven, thousands of dollars in new revenue is raining on a group of congregations here from the unlikeliest of sources: the utility bill.

The windfall arose after 11 churches and a nonprofit youth group got together to solicit reduced-rate bids for electricity — most of it from renewable...

July 29, 2011
By Duane Elgin
Huffington Post

July 28, 2011
Harvard Divinity School Communications

Gordon Dester Kaufman, Edward Mallinckrodt, Jr. Professor of Divinity Emeritus at Harvard Divinity School, died on Friday, July 22, at age 86.

July 20, 2011
Press Release

After 98 days and nights of a continuous prayer vigil, the Committee to Protect Glen Cove is pleased to announce a victory in the struggle to protect the sacred grounds of Sogorea Te/Glen Cove.

By Dennis Kingsley
Huffington Post
July 19, 2011

July 13, 2011
By Rabbi Lawrence Troster
Huffington Post