News Items

The Forum regularly posts news articles of interest here from a variety of sources and news outlets. You can check back here or view the most recent ones from the homepage. We also archive these articles here, for those doing research, with news going back to 2006. Use the menu on the right to explore the archived articles.


April 17, 2019
By Ethan Blake
YES! Magazine

Schoolchildren gather around a seemingly neglected garden bed at Urban Adamah, a Jewish farm and educational center in Berkeley, California. Educator Ariela Ronay-Jinich shows the students that while the plot appears abandoned, it’s actually the farm’s most fertile patch of soil. The...

April 15, 2019
By Brian Roewe
National Catholic Reporter

“Everything is connected.”

With those words, Pope Francis began Paragraph 91 of his landmark encyclical “Laudato Si’, on Care for Our Common Home.” He continued...

April 10, 2019
By Eliza Griswold
The New Yorker

April 2019

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April 8, 2019
By Brian Roewe
National Catholic Reporter

The world today is filled with the reality and repercussions of a changing climate.

Glaciers are melting. Intense storms are strengthening. Seas are rising. Floods are spreading. Heat waves and droughts are prolonging. And the destruction and disruption all those events bring to people in all parts of the globe...

April 8, 2019
By Joachim Pham
Global Sisters Report

Mary Tran Thi Thu is busy every day watering, weeding, hoeing and fertilizing vegetable beds on her 3,000-square-yard farm.

Thu, 52, uses traps to kill insects and butterflies at night and catches caterpillars by hand to keep them from feeding on crops.

She makes organic fertilizers by mixing pig feces with dry...

April 8, 2019
By Brian Roewe
National Catholic Reporter

In the fall, a special Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazonian region will mark the Catholic Church’s most serious reentry into the ecological arena since Francis issued “Laudato Si’, on Care for Our Common Home” nearly four years ago.

By Gerd Braune

Being an activist isn’t a matter of age, says Kehkashan Basu, the young woman who set up the Green Hope Foundation. Since early childhood, she’s been campaigning single-mindedly and passionately for environmental protection, sustainability and the rights of children.


April 4, 2019
By Nashwa Gowanlock
Environmental Journal

A new ‘eco’ mosque in Cambridge hosted its first morning prayers this month — it’s a unique building with world-class environmental credentials and hopes to better serve the city’s burgeoning Muslim community. Freelance journalist Nashwa Gowanlock went to visit for Environment Journal.