The majority of the resources in this Ecojustice information hub are organized by specific religious tradition. But we have also provided some links below to material regarding broader perspectives on Ecojustice, incuding material on the history and foundations of the movement. These sections are by no means comprehensive, and are provided as a jumping off point for further exploration of these topics.
- Ecology and Justice: An Orbis Books Series on Integral Ecology, 28 titles, Advisory Board Members: Mary Evelyn Tucker, John A. Grim, Leonardo Boff, Sean McDonagh
- Shiva, Vandana. Soil Not Oil: Environmental Justice in an Age of Climate Crisis. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2015.
- “What is environmental justice?“ EarthBeat, 2020; a good overall history of the movement, plus some information on religious activity
- “Environmental and eco-justice.” Article by Laurel Kearns from Religions and Environments: a reader in religion, nature, and ecology, Richard Bohannon ed. History of the movement with a Christian focus.
- A Movement is Born: Environmental Justice and the UCC, United Church of Christ; information on the early UCC figures in the movement: Rev. Ben Chavis, Dollie Burwell, and Rev. Leon Wright
- “Global climate change is also a spiritual crisis,“ National Catholic Reporter, 202
- “Religious Americans Demand Climate Action,” Center for American Progress, 2021
- “Pay up: Now is the Time for Bold Investment in Environmental Justice Groups,” Colorlines, 2021
- “Can faith leaders shift public opinion toward climate action?” EarthBeat, 2021
- “Environmental Justice and Interreligious Ecotheology.” Julia Watts Belser, Religious Studies News, 2013. Links to foundational articles offering different perspectives
- Interfaith Power & Light Letter to Congress, signed by over 3400 religious leaders, 2021
- Carl Anthony & Paloma Pavel: Breakthrough Communites; The Earth, the City, and the Hidden Narrative of Race; Forum Spotlights: Episode 27 (Carl), Episode 28 (Paloma). Note: though not operating within a religious tradition, their work is situated within a sacred Universe Story context.
- Forum Spotlights: Episode 44, Environmental Justice (clip show) with Carl Anthony, Paloma Pavel, Christopher Carter
Other Links & Resources
- Faith Action on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Database, filterable, searchable listing of religiously engaged projects working towards the UN SDGs, new projects added on a quarterly basis
Header Image: “March For Climate Justice NYC” at Climate Week NYC 2020; Ron Adar/Shutterstock