Church of South India
Lenten Call for ‘Carbon Fast’
January 2017
Church of Sweden
A Bishops’ Letter about the ClimateChurch of Sweden, Bishops’ Conference, Uppsala, 2014
See the 2020 revised letter.
Church of the Brethren
Resolution on Global Warming and Atmospheric Degradation
October 21, 1991
Episcopal Church / Anglican Communion
Our Moral Opportunity on Climate Change
By Justin Welby
New York Times
November 3, 2017
The world is our host: A call to urgent action for climate justice
Volmoed Conference and Retreat Centre, South Africa
Good Friday 2015
Episcopalians Confronting Climate Change
By Lisa Palmer
The Yale Forum on Climate Change and the Media
March 6, 2012
Common Declaration of Pope Benedict XVI and The Archbishop of Canterbury His Grace Rowan Williams
November 23, 2006
“Preachable Moments: Evangelical Christians and Climate Change”
June 28, 2012
“For Katharine Hayhoe, Climate Change Not a Leap of Faith”
March 29, 2012
On the Care of Creation: An Evangelical Declaration on the Care of Creation
Evangelical Environmental Network
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
ELCA issues statement on Pope Francis’ encyclical on climate change
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
June 18, 2015
Lutherans Reflect on Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen
December 31, 2009
Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope, and Justice
National Council of Churches of Christ
Faith Principles on Global Warming
Presbyterian Church U.S.A.
Provocative Thanksgiving
A sermon by Tom F. Driver
November 18, 2012
Presbyterians and Climate Change
By Julie Halpert
The Yale Forum on Climate Change and the Media
April 19, 2012
Call to Restore the Creation
Quaker / Society of Friends
A Quaker response to the crisis of climate change
June 2009
Faithful Action on Climate Change
By Lynn Fitz-Hugh
Friends Journal
March 1, 2019
A Shared Quaker Statement: Facing the Challenge of Climate Change
Quaker Earthcare Witness
Southern Baptist
Baptists and Climate Change
By Sara Peach
The Yale Forum on Climate Change and the Media
March 13, 2012
Southern Baptist Declaration on the Environment and Climate Change
The Southern Baptist Environment and Climate Initiative
March 10, 2008
Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations
Climate Change and Unitarian Universalism: Exploring the connections between faith and the struggle for climate justice
Blog, June 21, 2013
Statement of Conscience on Global Warming/Climate Change
United Church of Christ
“Let Justice Roll Down – Declaring Support for The Green New Deal and Affirming the Intersectionality of Climate Justice with All Justice Issues”
United Church of Christ
“The Earth Is the Lord’s, Not Ours to Wreck – Imperatives for a New Moral Era”
United Church of Christ
“Synod approves resolution calling for fossil fuel divestment and other strategies”
United Church of Christ
The United Church of Christ and Climate Change
By Christine Woodside
Yale Climate Connections
April 5, 2012
A Resolution on Climate Change
United Methodist Church
Our Climate Commitment to Net-Zero Emissions
April 16, 2021
God’s Creation and the Church
Environmental Justice for a Sustainable Future
Environmental Stewardship
World Alliance of Reformed Churches
The Accra Confession: Covenanting for Justice in the Economy and the Earth
World Council of Churches (WCC)
The Living Planet: Seeking a Just and Sustainable Global Community
Statement by the World Council of Churches
September 9, 2022
WCC general secretary pastoral letter on climate emergency
December 19, 2019
Statement on the Climate Change Emergency
Bossey, Switzerland
November 25, 2019
World Council of Churches Endorses Fossil Fuel Divestment
July 11, 2014
WCC Climate Change Update #52
July 2011
Statement to the high-level segment of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP11 and COP/MOP1)
December 9, 2005
Protestant Joint Statements
“Manifesto on an Ecological Reformation of all Christian Traditions”
Volos Academy Consultation on Eco-Theology, Climate Justice and Food Security
March 10-13, 2016
“A Pastoral Message on Climate Change”
Anglican Church of Canada, The Episcopal Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
September 19, 2014
Media Release
Episcopal Church, Church of Sweden, ELCA commitment: “Sustaining hope in the face of climate change”
The Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs
May 2, 2013
“Climate Revival” Statement of New England Regional Environmental Ministries
April 27, 2013
Media Release
Protestant & Catholic Joint Statements
“A Climate Change Edict for 2024”
Spirituality & Sustainability: Global Network (SSGN)
Season of Creation Team: Bridging the Tectonic Plates
December 2023
“Christian Ethics, Climate Emergency and Nonviolent Direct Action”
Statement of Ethicists Without Borders
June 9, 2019