“Faith for Climate: A Call to Action”
Faith Pavilion at COP28
December 3, 2023
Sign this statement here.
“Global Faith Leaders Summit - Interfaith Statement for COP28”
November 6-7, 2023
“2022 Statement for Climate Justice by the Global South”
Inter-religious Climate and Ecology Network
September 23, 2022
“Faith Values and Reach - Contribution to Environmental Policy”
Stockholm+50 Interfaith Statement
May 20, 2022
Climate-Responsible Finance: A Moral Imperative Towards Children
World Council of Churches (WCC), United Nations Environment Programme, Muslim Council of Elders, and NY Board of Rabbis
May 9, 2022
Joint Appeal: “Faith and Science: Towards COP26”
October 4, 2021
Glasgow Multi-Faith Declaration for COP26
September 2021
A Joint Message for the Protection of Creation
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, Pope Francis, and Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, September 1, 2021
Statement on the Vatican Meeting “Faith and Science: Towards COP26” on October 4, 2021
The Foundation for Climate Restoration, June 29, 2021
“Our Planet, Our Future: An Urgent Call for Action”
2021 Nobel Prize Summit, April 29, 2021
“Sacred People, Sacred Earth”
GreenFaith International, 2021
ecoAmerica, January 2021
“Religious Declaration of Unprecedented Human Emergency”
National Religious Coalition on Creation Care, May 2019
A Parliament of the World's Religions Letter Urging Nations to Reaffirm Climate Commitments to the Leaders of COP24
November 20, 2018
Statement from Jubilee Caribbean
March 5, 2018
Faith principles on climate change, endorsed by major religions in the US
Catholic Network, 2018
“Walk on Earth Gently”: A Multi-Faith invitation to Sustainable Lifestyles
COP23 Interfaith Climate Statement, November 13-14, 2017
Interfaith Climate Change Statement to World Leaders
Statement by Religious and Spiritual Leaders on the Occasion of the UN Secretary General’s High Level Signature Ceremony for the Paris Agreement, April 18, 2016
Statement of Faith and Spiritual Leaders Statement from the World Council of Churches - WCC On behalf of different world’s Faith and Religious Traditions To the High-Level Ministerial Segment of the 21st Session of the Conference of the Parties – COP21 to the UNFCCC 11th Session of the Meeting of the Parties – CMP11 to the Kyoto Protocol Paris, France
World Council of Churches
December 8, 2015
Embracing Our Common Future: An Interfaith Call to Action on Climate Change
Parliament of the World’s Religions, Salt Lake City, October 13, 2015
Lambeth Declaration 2015 on Climate Change
June 16, 2015
Religions speak with one voice on climate policy
By Thea Ormerod and Neil Ormerod, ABC Religion and Ethics, June 27, 2013
Nationwide Climate ‘Preach-In’ To Target Broad Faith-Group Congregations
By Bud Ward, Yale Climate Connections, February 7, 2012
Canadian Interfaith Call for Leadership and Action on Climate Change
October 25, 2011
Council of Religious Institutions of the Holy Land (CRIHL) endorses Holy Land Declaration on Climate Change
July 5, 2011
Southern African faith leaders speak out on climate change
May 5-6, 2011
Statement on Energy and Climate Change following the Fifty-sixth Annual Summer Conference sponsored by the Institute on Religion in an Age of Science concerning “The Energy Transition: Religious and Cultural Perspectives”
July 24-31, 2010
A Climate Change Call to Action from the Global Council of the United Religions Initiative
February 12, 2010
A Spiritual Obligation to Act on Climate Change
By Rev. Nelson Bock, Denver Post, September 30, 2009
Moral and Ethical Dimensions of Climate Change: Appeal to World Leaders
September 2009
Part 1 of 2
Part 2 of 2
Uppsala Interfaith Climate Manifesto
October 2008
Common Declaration of Pope Benedict XVI and The Archbishop of Canterbury His Grace Rowan Williams
November 23, 2006
Common Declaration on Environmental Ethics
Pope John Paul II and the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, June 10, 2002