United Nations Environment Programme Faith for Earth Coalition

On May 4, 2020, UNEP’s Faith for Earth Coalition and the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology agreed to unite efforts by drawing on UNEP’s extensive knowledge of ecological issues and the Forum’s comprehensive website on the world’s religions.

As Iyad Abumoghli, the UN Principal Coordinator of Faith for Earth Coalition, wrote: “I have had several very constructive and fruitful meetings during the Abrahamic Traditions and Environmental Change Workshop that was held June 23-26 in Rhodes, Greece. Faith for Earth has agreed with the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology to unite efforts and strengthen one knowledge platform building on the vast and extensive work of the Forum over the past two decades.”

Read the full press release: Faith-based organizations can help the transition to a more sustainable post-COVID-19 world


Featured Projects and Publications:


On October 8, 2020, Faith for Earth — A Call for Action was launched during the Faith for Nature Global Conference in Skálhol, Iceland. This book describes the essential, unshakeable reverence that all religions have for creation and nature, and introduces the world’s major life support systems.

Download the book for free here.