
GreenFaith’s mission is to inspire, educate and mobilize people of diverse religious backgrounds for environmental leadership.  Our work is based on beliefs shared by the world’s great religions - we believe that protecting the earth is a religious value, and that environmental stewardship is a moral responsibility.

There are three core values that guide the work that we do, and define us as an organization:

We believe that religious traditions see the sacred in nature and that people grow spiritually through a strong relationship with the earth.  Through environmentally-themed worship, religious education and spiritual practices, religious institutions have many opportunities to celebrate creation and strengthen their members’ connection with the earth.  

We believe that our consumption habits can help heal and restore the earth.  From energy and transportation, to food, water, and other areas, religious institutions and their members use a lot of resources - and therefore have many opportunities to lessen their impact on the environment.  

We believe that all people deserve a healthy environment, regardless of their race or income.  The world’s great religions share an ethic of social justice, and GreenFaith is committed to fighting environmental injustice and racism.  Educating around the topic of environmental justice and advocating for change is a vital area of engagement for religious institutions.
