Catholic Climate Covenant

Catholic Climate Covenant helps Catholic people and institutions respond to the moral call for action on climate change. We open policy conversation, reduce carbon footprints, and share authentic Catholic teachings on climate change. Not only do Catholics care about climate change, we have the power to overcome it. At Catholic Climate Covenant, we build relationships between people with common values and a shared commitment to protecting the people and places that we all love.

Loving our neighbors is central to our mission. Pope Francis tells us that the human family has received from the Creator a common gift: nature, and that we should be protectors of God’s gifts.

Climate change is most caused by people in the developed world and most affects people in the under-developed world. Whether it’s protecting a child in Chicago from asthma or a child in Quito from a mudslide, fighting climate change is a way to love the people God loves. We connect Catholics to live justly on God’s Earth.
