Churches’ Center for Land and People

Abstract Committed to attaining justice for both land and people in rural areas of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Illinois, the Churches’ Center for Land and People (CCLP) is an ecumenically sponsored network of churches, organizations, and individuals working to integrate spirituality, stewardship, and sustainability for the common good. CCLP is centrally located in the tri-state area at the Sinsinawa Mound Conference Center, an eco-spirituality retreat center run by the Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters, who practice ecological stewardship on their 450-acre campus through sustainable farming and ecological land management. Through volunteer ad hoc committees, CCLP organizes projects, programs, events, gatherings, and campaigns that not only bring people together around common concerns, but also help them address these concerns. In doing so, CCLP provides an important network of support for rural churches, organizations, families, and individuals. Seeking to revitalize rural ministry, CCLP offers workshops, retreats, and resources for clergy and lay leaders about issues pertaining to rural life and land focusing particularly on support for family farming and new alternatives to corporate-controlled marketing. In addition to distributing its newsletter, Clippings, five times a year, CCLP provides educational materials created by its study groups on topics relating to ecological stewardship, sustainable agriculture, ministry, justice, and spirituality from a rural perspective. Currently CCLP supports study groups on earth stewardship, ethics, and rural spirituality. In addition to sponsoring the “Rural Plunge” program, a day-long curriculum for raising awareness about the connections between land and people in agricultural settings, CCLP organizes conferences on rural life and rural ministry that bring together farmers, clergy, lay leaders, educators, advocates, service workers, and organizers. In October of 2002, CCLP sponsored its fourteenth Rural Life Gathering called “Passion for Rural Life: From Heart to the Public Domain.” The topic of the October 24, 2003 Gathering was “Amplifying Our Voice.”
Religion Christianity
Geographic Location United States of America
(Wisconsin, Iowa, and Illinois)
Duration of Project 1989–Present

In March of 1989, forty leaders from churches and organizations of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Illinois met in Sinsinawa to discuss the effects of the farm crisis on rural communities and to consider how best to address the needs of these communities. With an able Steering Committee, these leaders established and incorporated The Churches’ Center for Land and People. Through Sponsors and participating members (churches, organizations, and individuals), the Center has provided programs, forums, and outreach in a wide variety of rural settings since its founding. At present, CCLP is making a special effort through annual “days for study and organizing” to help denominations establish on-going task groups to focus on rural life and concerns.

Mission Statement “CCLP fosters unity and hope in a spirit of renewal, earth stewardship, justice, and shared commitment. We serve as a voice for rural perspectives and concerns in our churches and society.”
Partner Organizations CCLP is sponsored by twenty church judicatories and religious orders of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Illinois. It networks with grassroots organizations and institutional programs with similar concerns.
Long-Term Goals None Listed
Bibliography None Listed
Additional Research Resources None Listed
Contact Information Churches’ Center for Land and People
P.O. Box 40
Sinsinawa, WI 53824-0040
Ph:       608.748.4411, Ext. 805
Fax:     608.748.4491