May 24, 2021
2:00-6:30pm PT
Port of Bellingham, Granary Ave, Bellingham, WA 98225
The Lummi Nation House of Tears Carvers, friends, relatives and allies, welcome you to the Bellingham event for the Red Road to DC Totem Pole Journey to Protect Sacred Sites.
Representatives of the House of Tears Carvers: Jewell Praying Wolf James, Master Carver, Doug James, Freddie Lane
Representatives for the Repatriation of Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut: Raynell Morris, Ellie Kinely, Julie Trimmingham
Faith Representatives: Echoes (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America), Multifaith Network for Climate Justice, an affiliate of Earth Ministries, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Guru Nanak Gursikh Gurudwara, Red Cedar Zen Community, Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship, Center for Spiritual Living, Stillpoint at Beckside Spirituality Center, First Christian Church Disciples of Christ, Congregation Beth Israel, Bellingham Muslim Community, Community of Hope Mennonite Church, St James Episcopal Church.
Deb Cruz's organization of the blessing ceremony reflected her deep-seated love for the Lummi people.
Photos by Linda Conroy