Online Courses

Event description: 

“Religions and Ecology: Restoring the Earth Community”
Yale / Coursera online classes with Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim
Sign up anytime. To audit these courses for free, see our step by step guide.
“Journey of the Universe: A Story for Our Times”
Yale / Coursera online classes with Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim
You may audit the courses free of charge. Sign up anytime.
“Psychology of Deep Resilience; Addressing Ecoanxiety and Climate Distress for Individual, Social and Ecological Well-being”
4-course online program offered by the University of Wisconsin—Madison
All four courses are free (unless people want a certificate).
“Scientific and Spiritual Dimensions of Climate Change”
Free Interfaith Study Course by the International Environment Forum
“The Spiritual Wisdom of Trees: Insights from Our Elders”
Self-guided course hosted by the Center for Spirituality in Nature
“EcoSattva Training”
A self-paced online course for developing compassionate responses to ecological crises
“Clergy Climate Ambassador Training”
Free self-paced online training by Blessed Tomorrow
“Greening Your Church”
Free online mini-course with Norman Lévesque by Creation Care School
“The Black Church & The Environmental Age”
Online course by Green the Church
5 free online Creation Care courses
Green Churches Network
“Climate Pastoral Care Course”
Online course created by Waterspirit and Jessica Morthorpe of Five Leaf Eco-Awards