Baltimore, MD, USA
Friday, November 22, 2013
1:45 pm–5:00 pm
The Religion and Ecology Group invites you to take part in a pre-AAR (American Academy of Religion) colloquium to survey and map the theoretical and methodological diversities within the field of religion and ecology. This research area is now robust with multiple avenues of research and activities, including many traditions, voices, theories, approaches, discourses, methodologies, and emphases. It is our goal to collectively discuss and assess where we have come from, where we are, and where we are going. This colloquium is envisioned as a participatory event designed both for those who have long contributed to this groundbreaking work as well as those who are new to such scholarly conversations.
The goals of this session are as follows:
1. To map the intellectual terrain covered by scholars and activists, including those who initiated such scholarly conversations as well as those who are active in the
present and diverse shaping of the field.
2. To analyze and identify the common theories and methodologies employed by scholars across the interdisciplinary and multi-religious landscape of the
field of religion and ecology to date.
3. To articulate and explore pertinent questions, theories and methodologies, lacunae, and trajectories that may guide the development of the field in the twenty-first century.
It is our intent that in mapping the terrain, hearing from those who have contributed to the maturation of the field, and suggesting signposts which point the way forward, that we can foster a more timely, focused, and fruitful scholarly conversation for future study in the field. We hope that you will join this conversation, bringing your own expertise and energy.
To register for this workshop, visit the AAR website: