Foundations of a Gaudiya Vaishnava Eco-theology

Event description: 

August 1, 2024

Online at 2pm EDT

With Prof. Ravi Gupta, Utah State University

Religion and ecology are indelibly linked in India. Sacred texts, devotional narratives, and theological convictions often motivate environmental action and provide cultural resources for ecological initiatives. Religious concepts and stories are often reinterpreted by practitioners in the face of new environmental challenges. For this reason, it is paramount to draw out the elements of a tradition’s theology that can support sustainable ecological relationships, as well as honestly examine those elements that hinder such relationships. This presentation will begin that task, by outlining some building blocks of a Gaudiya Vaishnava theology of the environment.

Hosted by Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies (OCHS) Hinduism in Modern Contemporary Society Research Team

To register, please send an email to with the subject line “REGISTER GUPTA”. You will receive a zoom link two days before the event.