Deep Time, Climate Change, and the Universe Story: Implications for Theology and Ministry

Event description: 

February 18-19, 2022

Online course with Daniel Spencer

This Union Theological Seminary course will explore the implications of the geological discoveries of “deep time” and Earth’s history of climate change for contemporary Theology and Ministry. Using insights from Marcia Bjornerud’s Timefulness: How Thinking Like a Geologist Can Help Save the World, we’ll explore environmental and social problems aggravated by pervasive “time illiteracy” in contemporary culture and thought. We will connect biblical and geological notions of time by setting the Earth’s story and the biblical story within the larger context of the contemporary scientific story of an evolving Universe Story. Using the work of Thomas Berry and “the New Story,” we’ll explore biblical themes of Wonder, Joy, Brokenness and Healing to offer new insights and approaches to contemporary theology and ministry.

Learn more and register.