7th Annual Flaring Forth Celebration with Brian Thomas Swimme

Event description: 

November 9, 2023

Online at 8:00-9:30pm EST

Welcome everyone to our 7th Annual Flaring Forth Celebration of The Universe Story and our new educational tool to tell the Story: The Universe Story Calendar! Join host and creator of The Universe Story Calendar Thomas Spiritbringer as he dialogues with Brian Thomas Swimme about “Facing The Future Wisely.” Through deep discussion concerning past and present discoveries in issues like the Noosphere, the Climate Crisis Impact, and new Universe beings like Rogue Planets, we will Face the Future Wisely Together as the Human Community of Beings. Join us on the 109th Anniversary of Thomas Berry's birth for this epic gathering.
Contact: Thomas Spiritbringer, ourearthguy@gmail.com

Watch the recording.