Resources are listed chronologically
“ 2022 Statement for Climate Justice by the Global South,” Inter-religious Climate and Ecology Network, 2022
“ Our Planet, Our Future: An Urgent Call for Action,” Nobel Prize Summit, 2021
“ Sacred People, Sacred Earth,” GreenFaith International, 2021
“ MomentUs,” ecoAmerica, 2021
Religious Declaration of Unprecedented Human Emergency , National Religious Coalition on Creation Care, 2019
Statement from Jubilee Caribbean , 2018
“ Walk on Earth Gently”: A Multi-Faith invitation to Sustainable Lifestyles , COP23 Interfaith Climate Statement, 2017
Statement of Faith and Spiritual Leaders on the upcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference , COP21 in Paris, 2015
Embracing Our Common Future: An Interfaith Call to Action on Climate Change , Parliament of the World’s Religions, Salt Lake City, 2015
Lambeth Declaration on Climate Change , 2015
The Hartford Declaration , A Call for Action on Climate Change by Connecticut’s Interfaith Community, Adopted at the Climate Stewardship Summit, 2013
An Open Letter on Climate Change from Australian Religious Leaders , 2013
Southern African faith leaders speak out on climate change , 2011
Statement on Energy and Climate Change , “The Energy Transition: Religious and Cultural Perspectives Conference,” Institute on Religion in an Age of Science, 2010
A Climate Change Call to Action from the Global Council of the United Religions Initiative , 2010
Interfaith Declaration on Climate Change , 2009
Letter from Colorado Faith Leaders to Sens. Mark Udall and Michael Bennet: Spiritual Obligation to Act on Climate Change , 2009
Moral and Ethical Dimensions of Climate Change: Appeal to World Leaders: Part 1 ; Part 2 , 2009
An Interfaith Declaration on the Moral Responsibility of the U.S. Government to Address Global Warming , The Regeneration Project and the Interfaith Power and Light campaign, 2007
The Joint Appeal in Religion and Science: Statement by Religious Leaders at the Summit on Environment , National Religious Partnership for the Environment, 1991
Engaged Projects
Religious Literacy and Climate Justice , Harvard Divinity School, 2023
Spirit-led: An Interfaith Call to Climate Justice , EnviroMuslims/Jewish Reformed Community of Canada, 2023
The Integration of Ecospirituality and Ecojustice , Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim, Charleston Interreligious Council, 2022
Interfaith, Ecojustice and Local Community Activism , Charleston Interreligious Council, 2022
Leading on Climate: Religious Communities United on Climate Justice , Connecticut Roundtable on Climate and Jobs, 2022
What does your faith say about advocating for environmental justice? , SAFCEI, 2022
Interfaith Spiritual Care 2022 – Session 2 – “Environmental Justice, ” Pennsylvania Interfaith Power and Light, 2022
Ten Universal Principles for Climate Justice , UN Climate Conference COP27, Interfaith Center for Sustrainable Development, 2022
Faith as Our Motivator Building Resilience, Pursuing Justice + A Just Transition , ecoAmerica, 2021
Protecting Sacred Water: A Conversation with Filmmaker Brittany App , People of Faith for Justice Podcast, 2021
Religious Communities and the Planetary Crisis , Interreligious Ecojustice Network, 2021
Interfaith Power & Light Leaders: Climate Justice , Texas Impact, 2021
My Neighbor is Hurting: How to Serve Those Experiencing Climate Stress and Grief , ecoAmerica, 2021
Interfaith Panel on Environment, Climate & Justice , Piedmont Environmental Alliance, 2021
Interconnected Justice #3 - Environmental Justice , United Religions Initiative, 2021
AAIC 100 Days - Week 4 Environmental Justice , Akron Area Interfaith Council, 2021
FORUM2020: Science, Spirituality, Climate Emergency, and Our Future
Environment, Justice, Identity, and the 2020 Elections , Interreligious Eco-justice Network, 2020
Ecojustice for All (Facebook webinar) , Religions for Peace USA and the Temple of Understanding, 2020
“Equity in Climate Justice: A Religious Response, ” San Diego Regional Interfaith Collaborative, 2020
Faith for Earth: Climate Change and Environmental Justice , Coalition of Faith-Based Organizations, 2020
A Faith-Based Approach to Address the Biodiversity and Climate Crises , Arab Youth Climate Movement Qatar and UNEP/Faith for Earth, 2020
Emergent Strategies for Environmental Justice , adrienne maree brown, United Church of Christ/Interfaith Power and Light, 2020
NCIPL Webinar: Women's Voices in the Movement for Climate Justice , North Carolina Interfaith Power and Light, 2020
Environmental Justice: Your Vote Matters , Johnson County Interfaith Coalition, 2020
Ecojustice: Equity and Wellbeing in an Ecological Age , Conversations on Pluralism Series, All Paths Divinity School, The Southern California Committee for a Parliament of the World’s Religions, and Toward Ecological Civilization, 2018
If Not Now, Then What? The Present and Future of Climate Change
Global Environmental Justice Documentaries
Courtesy of the Center for Earth Ethics; Mindahi Bastida & Kaio Thompson, Union Student and Indigenous Minister at Standing Rock Clergy Call
Resources are listed chronologically
Etieyibo, Edwin. A Case for Environmental Justice . Lanham: Hamilton Books, 2023. (2 chapters specifically on religion)
Penniman, Leah. Black Earth Wisdom: Soulful Conversations with Black Environmentalists . New York: Amistad, 2023.
Sherma, Rita D. and Purushottama Bilimoria, eds. Religion and Sustainability: Interreligious Resources, Interdisciplinary Responses . New York: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Yugar, Theresa A., Sarah E. Robinson, Lilian Dube, and Teresia Mbari Hinga, eds. Valuing Lives, Healing Earth: Religion, Gender, and Life on Earth . Leuven; Paris; Bristol, CT: Peeters Publishers, 2021.
Hollenbach, David. Humanity in Crisis: Ethical and Religious Response to Refugees . Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2019.
Baugh, Amanda J. God and the Green Divide: Religious Environmentalism in Black and White . Oakland, California: University of California Press, 2017.
Environment, religion, and culture in the context of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development , UNEP Report, 2018
Multifaith camp gathered with Winona LaDuke on the shores of a small lake to share a water ceremony and Jewish Havdalah ritual at the the Stop Line 3 Treaty People Gathering June 9, 2021; Photo Credit to Amelia Deihl; Courtesy of UUMFE.
Courtesy of Greenfaith
Journals & Articles
Resources are listed chronologically
Etieyibo, Edwin. “Non-Western Perspectives on the Environment: Judeo-Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism,” in A Case for Environmental Justice (Lanham: Hamilton Books, 2023), 113-122.
Etieyibo, Edwin. “Non-Western Perspectives on the Environment: Native Americans and African,” in A Case for Environmental Justice (Lanham: Hamilton Books, 2023), 123-132.
Pontoriero, Eleanor. “Teachings of the People: Environmental Justice, Religion, and the Global South .” Buddhist-Christian Studies 42 (2022): 85-103.
Nelson, Tyler Mark. “Environmental Justice and the Religious Imagination .” Yale Reflections . Fall 2022.
“ Environmental Justice Finds a Home at Trinity: Dr. Mary Evelyn Tucker ’71 and Class of 1971 Provide Start-up Funding for New Academic Program .” Pres. McGuire’s Christmas Newsletter. Trinity Washington University. December 1, 2021.
Al-Kohlani, Sumaia A. “Extending Environmental Justice Research to Religious Minorities .” Review of Policy Research 39, no. 1 (2021): 90-112.
Moore, Kathleen Dean. “The Human Rights Case Against Fracking and Climate Change .” Orion Magazine. November 9-12, 2021.
Taylor, Adam Russell, and John Lewis. “Environmental Stewardship. ” In A More Perfect Union: A New Vision for Building the Beloved Community , 195-206. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2021.
Borenstein, Seth. “Scientists enlist the big gun to get climate action: Faith .” Miami Herald . August 21, 2021.
Horne, Chris. “Dire climate change report has environmental activists targeting Rep. Luria in battle for resiliency, infrastructure funds. ” August 13, 2021.
Paradise, Rev. Amy Brooks. “Following Indigenous Leadership .” GreenFaith. June 30, 2021.
Murphy, Britney. “The Fall of Mount Trashmore and the Rise of Community Activism: Environmental Justice and the Politics of Inclusion, Bridgeport, Connecticut (1991–Present). ” Connecticut History Review 57, no. 2 (2018): 154-79.
Kearns, Laurel. “Conspiring Together: Breathing for Justice. ” In the Bloomsbury Handbook on Religion and Nature: The Elements , edited by Laura Hobgood and Whitney Bauman. New York: Bloomsbury, 2018.
Nilsen, Tina Dykesteen and Anna Rebecca Solevåg. “Expanding Ecological Hermeneutics: The Case for Ecolonialism. “ Journal of Biblical Literature 135, no. 4 (2016): 665-83.
Harris, Melanie L. “Ecowomanism: An Introduction .” Worldviews 20, no. 1 (2016): 5-14.
Clark, Pat. “Social justice leaders from Vatican, world to converge in Modesto – and here’s why.” Modesto Bee . December 17, 2016.
Beringer, Almut, and Steven Douglas. “On the Ethics of International Religious/Spiritual Gatherings and Academic Conferencing in the Era of Global Warming: A Case Study of the Parliament of The World's Religions Melbourne 2009 - Part 2. ” Worldviews 17, no. 3 (2013): 187-204.
Belser, Juliia Watts. “Environmental Justice and Interreligious Ecotheology. ” Religious Studies News . March 15, 2013.
Beringer, Almut, and Steven Douglas. “On the Ethics of International Religious/Spiritual Gatherings and Academic Conferencing in the Era of Global Warming: A Case Study of the Parliament of The World's Religions Melbourne 2009 - Part 1 .” Worldviews 16, no. 2 (2012): 179-95.
Eidoo, Sameena, Leigh-Anne Ingram, Angela MacDonald, Maryam Nabavi, Karen Pashby, and Saskia Stille. “'Through the Kaleidoscope': Intersections Between Theoretical Perspectives and Classroom Implications in Critical Global Citizenship Education. ” Canadian Journal of Education / Revue Canadienne De L'éducation 34, no. 4 (2011): 59-85.
Hay, Amy M. “A New Earthly Vision: Religious Community Activism in the Love Canal Chemical Disaster .” Environmental History 14, no. 3 (2009): 502-26.
Nickell, Jane Ellen, and Lawrence Troster. “Cries of Creation, Ground for Hope: Faith, Justice, and the Earth Interfaith Worship Service. ” In Ecospirit: Religions and Philosophies for the Earth , edited by Laurel Kearnsand Catherine Keller, 517-30. New York: Fordham University Press, 2007.