The Faith Action partners (UNEP Faith for Earth, Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology, United Religions Initiative, Parliament of the World's Religions) periodically prepare written reports that focus on key themes, highlight inspiring projects, and provide expert recommendations. All featured activities and more can be found in the Faith Action on the UN Sustainable Development Goals database.
Faith Action on the UN Sustainable Development Goals:
Progress and Outlook

Faith Action on SDG 6:
Clean Water and Sanitation

Faith Action on SDG 15:
Life on Land

Faith Action on SDG 13:
Climate Action

Faith Action on SDG 14:
Life Below Water
Launch of Faith Action on the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Parliament of the World's Religions; United Religions Initiative;
UNEP Faith for Earth; Yale Forum on Religion & Ecology
September 2, 2021
Religion Matters: A Conversation on Religion and Sustainable Development Goals
Berkeley Center at Georgetown University
July 6, 2021
A new book series, Religion Matters: On the Significance of Religion in Global Issues, published by Routledge, examines the role of religion in current challenges by using the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) as the overarching framework. The aim of this series of short books is to assist academics, policymakers, and practitioners in better understanding the role of religion in matters of global and public relevance, including conflict, development, and climate change. It takes an interreligious, interdisciplinary, and international approach and is written by and for academics, practitioners, and policymakers by teams of two to four authors representing different religions, disciplines, and contexts.
Faith Action on the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Parliament of the World's Religions
September 21, 2020
NextGen Webinar | Interfaith Perspectives: A Multigenerational Conversation on the SDGs
Parliament of the World's Religions
September 15, 2020