The items in this section are posted as a service to those working in the field of Religion & Ecology. They are updated frequently, so check back often. If you have a position or opportunity you'd like to be posted here, please send a message to our webmaster via the Contact Form.
Employment Listings
As positions in the field open up, we list them here for potential job-seekers. Please note that we are not offering these jobs and have no connection to these institutions. This is merely a service we offer for those seeking employment in this growing area of study. For further information on these positions, please be in touch with the contact person indocated, and not the Forum staff. |
Fellowships and Student Opportunities
Any opportunity we hear of for graduate or undergraduate students to engage further outside of their normal course of study will be found here. |
Calls for Papers
We post both ongoing and time-sensitive calls for papers here. |
Header photo: Reverend Fletcher Harper, Executive Director of GreenFaith and Global Steering Committee member of the Interfaith Rainforest Initiative, introduces the panel of indigenous and interfaith leaders at the 2018 Parliament of the World's Religions, courtesy of Interfaith Rainforest Initiative