You Lean Chad - local chapter

YOUth Leaders and Ambassadors Network (YOU L.E.A.N.)
You Lean Chad - local chapter
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Summary of Activity

In the Chari Baguirmi region of Chad, this group is establishing a collection of field locations for learning demonstrations and hands-on training in agro-ecological practices. The trainings convey the importance of local initiativies that enable young farmers to stay in their villages while making a decent living through practicing integrated and sustainable agriculture.


In this 3 year project (2021-2023), 16 cohorts with 25 learners are learning agropastoral techniques, including livestock management with goats and chickens. The project is taking place in 50 field site locations (all rural and village areas) and specifically seeks to train women and girls to foster education, gender equity, and greater revenue sources for farmers.

Impact Areas
SDG Addressed

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Activities and events that have been created for the next generationActivities in Chad and African central and the Environment and change climatic