About the Forum
The Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology is an international multireligious project contributing to a new academic field and an engaged moral force of religious environmentalism. With its conferences, publications, monthly newsletter, and website, it explores religious worldviews, texts, and ethics in order to contribute to environmental solutions along with science, policy, law, economics, and appropriate technology.
The Forum was founded at the United Nations in 1998 by Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim and has been based at Yale University since 2006. In 2023, the Forum became affiliated with, and now operates under the auspices of, the Yale Center for Environmental Justice. Please explore the About Us section for more information on the Mission, History, and Projects of the Forum. Download our Forum flyer and our brochure of all Yale Forum projects.
Others have helped lead this work, such as the National Religious Partnership on the Environment, GreenFaith, Interfaith Power and Light, Earth Ministry, Faith in Place, and Blessed Tomorrow in the United States. In Britain, the Alliance of Religion and Conservation (ARC) was an early leader and the European Forum for the Study of Religion and the Environment has advanced scholarly research.
FORE SPOTLIGHTS Video/Podcast Series
Spotlights, 5.8, Jimmy Carter at the American Academy of Religion You can also access the SPOTLIGHTS series as audio podcasts by going here. Check back here every other Monday for a new episode.
Congratulations to FORE Spotlights for being named one of the 20 best podcasts of 2021 on environmental activism!
Partner Organizations
UNEP: Faith for Earth Coalition
Interfaith Rainforest Initiative
Parliament of the World's Religions Climate Action Task Force The Parliament of the World’s Religions, acting with the leadership of its Climate Action Task Force, seeks to encourage and enable collective and individual action to reduce and counter the adverse impacts of human-caused climate change. Read more. |
Rotating Header photos: Faith leaders process to the Ise shrine,©Alexander Mercer, courtesy of ARC; Newspaper Rock, Utah; Maukib procession Kano, Nigeria, ©Darul Qadiriyyah, Courtesy of ARC; Cambodian monks ordaining trees, ©Chantal Elkin, Courtesy of ARC