Front Page

About the Forum

The Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology is an international multireligious project contributing to a new academic field and an engaged moral force of religious environmentalism. With its conferences, publications, monthly newsletter, and website, it explores religious worldviews, texts, and ethics in order to contribute to environmental solutions along with science, policy, law, economics, and appropriate technology.

The Forum was founded at the United Nations in 1998 by Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim and has been based at Yale University since 2006. In 2023, the Forum became affiliated with, and now operates under the auspices of, the Yale Center for Environmental Justice. Please explore the About Us section for more information on the Mission, History, and Projects of the Forum. Download our Forum flyer and our brochure of all Yale Forum projects. 

Others have helped lead this work, such as the National Religious Partnership on the Environment, GreenFaith, Interfaith Power and Light, Earth Ministry, Faith in Place, and Blessed Tomorrow in the United States. In Britain, the Alliance of Religion and Conservation (ARC) was an early leader and the European Forum for the Study of Religion and the Environment has advanced scholarly research.


Image Title
Religions and Ecology: Restoring the Earth Community

The Forum has released a series of courses on Religion & Ecology through Yale University and the Coursera online learning platform. The courses are free to audit, available anywhere in the world, and can be pursued at your own pace. Join an online community of peers for further support and to deepen your engagement


FORE SPOTLIGHTS Video/Podcast Series

Spotlights, 5.3, Spiritual Ecology with Les Sponsel
This episode of the FORE podcast features, Les Sponsel, PhD, Professor Emeritus in the department of Anthropology at the University of Hawaii. We talk about his transdisciplinary research and teaching as one of the pioneers in developing the field of spiritual ecology—a complex. diverse, and dynamic arena at the interfaces of religions and spiritualities on the one hand and, on the other, environments, ecologies, and environmentalisms with intellectual, spiritual, and practical components. Along with numerous journal articles, book chapters, encyclopedia articles, monographs, and several edited and co-edited books, he is also the author of the highly acclaimed book, Spiritual Ecology: A Quiet Revolution (2012). You can learn more on his website,


You can also access the SPOTLIGHTS series as audio podcasts by going here
Watch all episodes of Spotlights from our archive page

Check back here every other Monday for a new episode. 
Congratulations to FORE Spotlights for being named one of the 20 best podcasts of 2021 on environmental activism!


Partner Organizations

UNEP: Faith for Earth Coalition

The mission of Faith for Earth is to provide leadership and encourage partnership in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing, and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations.  On May 4, 2020 UNEP Faith for Earth announced a partnership with the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology. See our Faith for Earth page for further information.

Interfaith Rainforest Initiative

The Interfaith Rainforest Initiative (IRI) is an international, multi-faith alliance that works to bring moral urgency and faith-based leadership to global efforts to end tropical deforestation. They provide a platform for religious leaders to work hand-in-hand with indigenous peoples, governments, civil society organizations and businesses on actions that protect rainforests and safeguard the indigenous peoples that serve as their guardians. Read more.

Parliament of the World's Religions Climate Action Task Force

The Parliament of the World’s Religions, acting with the leadership of its Climate Action Task Force, seeks to encourage and enable collective and individual action to reduce and counter the adverse impacts of human-caused climate change. Read more.

Religions for Peace

Religions for Peace is where the world’s religions join together to ensure that all people enjoy peace, harmony, and prosperity. We are more than an organisation. For 50 years, Religions for Peace has been a movement changing the world and challenging the status quo through our mutual conviction that religions are more powerful, inspiring, and impactful when they work together. Read more.


GreenFaith inspires, educates, organizes, and mobilizes people of diverse religious and spiritual backgrounds globally for environmental action. Our work is based on beliefs shared by the world’s religious and spiritual traditions. We believe that protecting the Earth is a sacred act, and that environmental stewardship is a moral responsibility. Read more.

Center for Earth Ethics

The Center for Earth Ethics envisions a world where value is measured according to the sustained well-being of all people and our planet. They work to cultivate the public consciousness needed to make changes in policy and culture that will establish a new value system based on this vision. Their four core programs are: Eco-ministry; Environmental Justice & Civic Engagement; Original Caretakers; and Sustainability & Global Affairs. Read more

Rotating Header photos: Faith leaders process to the Ise shrine,©Alexander Mercer, courtesy of ARC; Newspaper Rock, Utah; Maukib procession Kano, Nigeria, ©Darul Qadiriyyah, Courtesy of ARC; Cambodian monks ordaining trees, ©Chantal Elkin, Courtesy of ARC