April 3-24, 2023
A four-session online course taught by Dhawn Martin
Mondays at 6:00-7:30pm EDT
Hosted by the Cobb Institute
‘Cosmic Collaboration’ emerges as a central theme in Keller’s On the Mystery. The collaborative speaks not only to deep relationality, but also to possibilities of creative transformations. Such transformations touch not only the theological, but also—and necessarily—the political and public. It is to a ‘cosmic liturgy (leitourgos)’—that is, to a public (leit) work (ourgos) that moves toward greater expansions of freedom, justice, and love that Keller’s work bids us.
Across four weeks we will traverse the paths of open-ended interactivity, of collaborative and creative ways of being and doing, that Keller tracks in On the Mystery. Each conversation will begin with an in-depth review of themes set forth in that week’s reading. This review— PowerPoints interwoven with other works by Keller—will be followed by a time of group discussion.
In the final session, Catherine Keller will join those gathered for a time of Q&A.
Attend the live class sessions or work at your own pace.