Religion and Ecology Programs

The following is a list of educational institutions that offer degrees related to the field of religion and ecology.

With the exception of Yale University, the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology does not support or thereby endorse any organizations listed in this section.

Links are provided as possible avenues for further investigation.

Yale University

Joint MA Degree in Religion & Ecology
School of the Environment and Divinity School
Master of Arts in Religion (MAR) Concentration in Religion and Ecology
Yale Divinity School
Clean and Equitable Energy Development (CEED) Certificate Program
Yale Center for Environmental Justice and Yale Center for Business and the Environment

Baylor University

MA in Theology, Ecology and Food Justice

Bemidji State University

Indigenous Sustainability Studies (BS and Minor)

Boston College

Courage to Preach Certificate Program

Boston University

Faith and Ecological Justice Certificate

California Institute of Integral Studies

MA and PhD in Ecology, Spirituality, and Religion

Drew University

Certificate in Religion, Ecology, and Justice

Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary

Ecological Regeneration Concentration (MAPM and MDiv)

Graduate Theological Union

Ecospirituality: Environmental Pathways Certificate

Hartford International University for Religion and Peace

Doctor of Ministry in Religion and Ecology: Leadership for Life on Earth

Eco-Spirituality Graduate Certificate

Lexington Theological Seminary

MA in Pastoral Studies in Creation Care and Ecotheology

Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary

Climate Justice & Faith Concentration (MDiv)

Certificate in Climate Justice and Faith

Community Organizing for Climate Justice as Faith Active in Love

Princeton Theological Seminary

MA in Theology & Ecology

Saint Paul University (Ottawa, Canada)

MA in Leadership, Ecology and Equity

Sewanee: The University of the South, School of Theology

MA Concentration in Religion and Environment

BA Religion and Environment Minor

Certificate in Contemplation and Care for Creation

Union Theological Seminary

MA in Social Justice

Innovative Preaching and Eco-Justice Initiative

United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities

MA in Eco-Justice

University of Florida

Religion and Nature Program (PhD)

University of North Texas

MA and PhD through Department of Philosophy & Religion

University of Toronto

Certificate of Specialization in Theology and Ecology through

The Elliott Allen Institute for Theology and Ecology

University of Wales, Trinity Saint David

Distance-learning MA in Ecology and Spirituality

Vanderbilt Divinity School

Wendland-Cook Program in Religion and Justice


Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development. 2015.
“Graduating seniors seek degrees in climate change and more US universities deliver”
By Alexa St. John. AP News. May 22, 2024.