The Barre Center for Buddhist Studies: EcoDharma Beacon

By John Harvey Negru
Buddhistdoor Global
May 8, 2024

The Barre Center for Buddhist Studies (BCBS) is not your average Buddhist organization. Established in 1990 by Joseph Goldstein and Sharon Salzberg, the center is situated on 48 hectares of wooded land in rural Massachusetts, about 90 minutes west of Boston. Rather than being affiliated with any one tradition or lineage, the center lists 194 different Dharma teachers on its website and is known for holding a wide range of residential and online programs, retreats, and workshops.

When I reached out to the BCBS, it was with the intention of finding out about their environmental policies, practices, and challenges. What I discovered through my correspondence with William Edelglass, director of studies, and Richard Henning, executive director, far surpassed my expectations: the BCBS is at the vanguard of ecoDharma practice, offering much to share with others.

Read the full article here.