Yale Summer Symposium: Religion and Environmental Stewardship

Event description: 


Environmental Education For Clergy, Lay Leaders, and Seminary Faculty
Bringing Together Science, Theology, and Ethics

Organized by:
Mary Evelyn Tucker & John Grim, Co-Directors of the Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale

Sponsored by:
Yale Divinity School
Berkeley Divinity School at Yale
Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale

June 5-7, 2012 at Yale Divinity School, 409 Prospect Street, New Haven CT


Presenter Profiles

Christianity and Ecology: A Selected Bibliography


Symposium Review

Matt Riley observed: “I think that religion and ecology as an academic field and moral force is really starting to see the potential that can be reached when the academic aspects of religion and ecology are matched up carefully in an engaging and creative way with on-the-ground preaching, practical training, greening of facilities, and other engaged practices.”  Read full review here.

Religion and Environmental Stewardship Symposium: “Roll up our sleeves, there’s work to be done.”
By Steve Blackmer
Yale University Notes from the Quad
June 28, 2012

Papers from Participants:

“Movements, the UCC and the Vocation of the Church,” by Jim Antal

“Local Climate Solutions: Big Enough to Matter and Small Enough to Mange,” by Andy Barnett

“God Weeps,” by Andy Barnett

“Panel Presentation,” by Thomas Carr

“Panel on Responses to Climate Change,” by Janet Parker

“New Wineskins,” by Larry Rasmussen

“Rethinking Lynn White: Christianity, Creatures, and Democracy,” by Matt Riley

“First the Gathering of Matter in Explosive Densities: preaching that nurtures ecologically responsible lives,” by Tom Troeger

For more info, visit: http://summerstudy.yale.edu/environmental-symposium