Rediscovering the Natural World

Event description: 


October 28-30, 2011 

St. Mary’s Sewanee Retreat Center
Sewanee, TN

Retreat at St. Mary’s Sewanee Retreat Center presented by Center board member Professor of Geology Bran Potter. “ On this retreat the Cumberland Plateau will be our laboratory. From our bluff view at the Center we’ll discuss the origin of the landscape and note the visible human influence. We will also explore the Lost Cove area, walking the land and enjoying the fall colors. We will learn something of the history of the plateau, its coves, and its human history, and we will take time to reflect on what we have seen and heard. Our context will be the power of the natural world to recall us to some of the truths of our lives and faith.”

Click on the following link for more information and registration: