Our Common Journey

Event description: 

2018 Sermon Series with Rev. F. Nelson Stover

January - December 2018

Unitarian Universalists in Covenant Church
Scuppernong Bookstore
304 S. Elm St.
Greensboro, NC, USA

The 2018 sermon series at the Unitarian Universalists in Covenant church in Greensboro will focus on enabling people to tell the story of their personal journey in the light of the 14-billion-year journey of the emerging Universe. Rev. F. Nelson Stover will deliver a series of sermons focusing on major events in the journey of the cosmos and explore how those illumine our individual lives and collective experiences. Each month, a pair of worship services will be dedicated to one aspect of the journey. The first sermon in each month’s pair will provide an overview of the universal dynamics at play; the second service of the month will allow congregants more time to share and reflect on their own life experiences in the larger context. You tube versions of the first sermon in each series will be available on the UUs in Covenant website.


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