Evensong and Ecology: The Great Work of Our Time

Event description: 

Cathedral of Saint John the Divine
1047 Amsterdam Avenue
New York City, NY, USA

May 29, 2011
4:00 pm

Music by Theodicy Jazz Collective
Reflections by Mary Evelyn Tucker

As we survey the splendor of creation, we are overcome with gratitude and awe. Yet with 7 billion people on a warming planet, humanity will struggle to provide basic access to food, water and land. How might we live rightly with Earth and all its species? How might religions lead this transformation? The Theodicy Jazz Collective joins Mary Evelyn Tucker of Yale’s Forum on Religion and Ecology for an evening of music, prophecy, and action. The event is free and open to the public, and concludes with Duke Ellington’s sacred music, originally composed for this Cathedral acoustic.