
Event description: 

Dear friends,

BeThePeace – the globally-sychronized meditation/prayer event on Sept 21 emanating out of the California Institute of Integral Studies’ Center for Subtle Activism/Gaiafield Project (in collaboration with several leading global peace organizations) – is truly approaching lift off!

In the past week, word has spread to over 400,000 people through a growing network of collaborating organizations, including: MedMob, Pathways to Peace, Institute of HeartMath, The Shift Network, The Evolver Network, World Peace Prayer Society, Wisdom University, Peace One Day, the Harmony Festival, and many others.

We just received the incredible news that the Occupy Movement has endorsed the event at the highest level and will promote it to their networks next week, on the one year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street. This means it will go out next week to over 2 million.

Momentum is gathering around a large SF live event, occurring from 6-7pm on Sept 21 near City Hall. Join the FB event and get the details:

This event is going to be spread though many networks so prepare yourself to anchor a major amount of peace into the center of our city!

We’ve just launched an Indiegogo campaign to raise money for the website, the marketing materials, and the promotional strategy to make this event a success.

Become part of the movement!

All donors at any level will be invited to a private Global Attunement meditation telecast. We have a bunch of great perks to give away, including BeThePeace T-shirts, a beautiful Peace Healings e-book, fine art prints of the gorgeous Gaiafield Lodestone, and the chance to have your home and family blessed as part of the Gaiafield Grid.

Visit our campaign here!

Thank you so much for giving what you can to empower this emerging global movement of love.

In the spirit of Peace,
David Nicol

P.S. Quick links for BeThePeace:


Join the FB global event:

Register for the Global Attunement telecasts: