American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting

Event description: 


Baltimore, Maryland, USA

November 23-26, 2013

Concurrent with the Society of Biblical Literature

Call for Papers - Religion and Ecology Group

The Religion and Ecology Group invites panels and proposals engaging these themes: a) biodemocracy; b) disaster responses; c) ecology, violence, and religion (including contemplative or non-violent direct action); d) festivals and life events; e) childhood nature-deficit disorder; f) womanist/gender issues; g) resilience, hope, and pedagogy. In addition, a joint session with the Religion and Cities Group welcomes panels and paper proposals (for joint proposals, please follow the guidelines on the submissions page).

Preference is typically given to coherent, fully-formed panel proposals. But individual papers related to the themes specified above, or devoted to the specific bioregion which includes Baltimore, are also welcomed.

Submission Deadline: March 1, 2013

For Religion and Ecology, Religion and Animals, and Related Events, visit:–AAR_SBL_2013.pdf